Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Once in Every Life

So, when we decided to move the wedding from Virginia Beach to Birmingham, what I felt the most was relief. There were a few things though that bothered me - one, that we weren't getting married in the place where we met and got engaged, and that we couldn't use the photographer I was so excited and enthusiastic about.

Paula Burgoon does not only have amazingly artistic vision and talent, she's one of those people that when you meet her, you feel like you've known her your whole life. Speaking with her is both comforting and inspiring. She's just good people - and a great photographer. Trying to fill those shoes was going to break my heart.

We started looking for someone in Birmingham - started at Google, where else would you look? After looking at Web sites - some good, some dreadful - dozens of portfolios, made calls, etc., we both came up with someone on our own whose style we liked. We had both chosen the same person. We got in touch with Emanuel Neiconi only to find out that he would be out of town the weekend of The Wedding (I also later found out he used to work at Luckie). He gave us a list of people to look into and we did, but nothing really struck us the same. So I went to the next logical place -- Craig's List.

I ran across a blog there, written by a woman who was part of a husband and wife team of wedding photographers. At also in the blog, was a link to Once in Every Life Photography.

I looked at the galleries, and looked again, and looked again. I loved April Kuhlmann's style. I loved her sense of color and her sense of whimsy. She's got a nice blend of traditional and totally out there - hmmm, sound like any couple you know? I also loved that she's got a page on her site that says she will take portraits of children with terminal illnesses at no charge. She has a good heart and she gives back. So I got in touch with her.

Gary and I met with April last night. It turns out she's also fun, funny, and affordable. Gary says she reminds him of Stacey (I couldn't link this, but go to Facebook and look at Stacey Klatt Brandon in my friends). I'm not sure I picked up on that, but like Stacey, she got both of our senses of humor right off the bat. (And Stace - she understood when I told her there would be a whole lot of "Christmas" at our wedding.) We both really liked her and her work. We booked her. She'll be bringing along a second photographer to make sure they don't miss anything. She warned us not to be put off by his age. He's only 16 (maybe he'll turn 17 before the wedding?). Who cares how old he is, as long as he's got talent. And how cool for us to be able to help him build his portfolio.

So Paula, I'm still sorry you're not going to be at The Wedding -- but April, welcome to this experience that will happen only once in our lives. I'm so excited that we found you - and we're very happy to have you along for the ride.

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